- What challenges do they have?
- What does this teach us about abilities?
a. Circule pela sala e pergunte aos colegas:
Can you... swim? / Can you play the guitar? / Can you whistle?
b. Marque ✓ para "yes" e ✗ para "no" ao lado do nome dos colegas.
Conectados o Tempo Todo
Atividade em Grupo – "Detectando o Cyberbullying"
Did you know? 💡
In Brazil, Valentine’s Day (Dia dos Namorados) is not celebrated on February 14th like in other countries. Instead, it takes place on June 12th. Why?
The date was chosen in the 1940s by a Brazilian advertiser, João Doria, to boost sales in June, which was a slow month for businesses. He picked June 12th because it is the day before Saint Anthony’s Day (June 13th). Saint Anthony is known as the "matchmaker saint" in Brazilian tradition, as many people pray to him for love and marriage.
That’s why in Brazil, love is celebrated in June instead of February! 💕
By Ms Telma Zen ✨ | Teach'n'Tech
Christmas around the world (canva)
Brainstorm: What do you know about Christmas?
Peça aos alunos para falarem palavras ou expressões que associam ao Natal (ex.: Santa Claus, Christmas tree, presents, family dinner).
Tradições Natalinas pelo Mundo
Exposição Interativa
Christmas around the world (canva)
Comparação Cultural
“What is similar to Brazil? What is different?”
Distribua uma folha com perguntas de múltipla escolha ou verdadeiro/falso para responder enquanto assistem.
• “In which country do people celebrate with giant lanterns?”
• “True or False: Santa Claus lives in Finland.”
Creative Christmas Project
1. Christmas Traditions Map
- Em grupos, os estudantes pesquisam tradições natalinas de um país e apresentam para a turma através de slides ou cartazes.
2. Letter to Santa in Another Country
- Os estudantes escrevem uma carta ao Papai Noel de um país específico (ex.: Itália, Inglaterra).
A carta deve incluir perguntas sobre a cultura natalina local e contar como é o Natal deles no Brasil.
Reflection – My Favorite Tradition
“What was the most interesting tradition you learned today?”
Os estudantes devem escrever ou falar frases em inglês explicando por que escolheram essa tradição.
- Criar um desenho ou um poema sobre como seria o “Natal dos seus sonhos”, incluindo elementos das tradições aprendidas.
1. Warm-up:
2. Tópicos para Reflexão:
4. Atividades de Conscientização
A. Crie cartazes com mensagens de apoio ao Black Lives Matter ou contra o racismo. Utilize frases em inglês como:
B. Crie posts (reais ou simulados) para redes sociais com hashtags como #BlackLivesMatter ou #ConsciênciaNegra.
👉Discovering the Madrigal Family (CANVA)
Family members, genitive case + card quiz
Briefly explain the importance of understanding movie genres.
Kahoot game is a fun way to review!
In the 1960s, The Jetsons gave us a glimpse into what people thought the future would look like. Flying cars, robot assistants, and homes in the sky were all part of this futuristic world.
Today, some of these predictions have come true, while others remain just dreams. But what do you think the future will hold for us?
Using the Simple Future tense, we can talk about things that will happen or might happen in the future. Let's explore our own ideas about what the world will be like in the years to come.
😉 Planned by @ms.telmazen